The average house price on COTSWOLD DRIVE is £329,037
The most expensive house in the street is 7 COTSWOLD DRIVE with an estimated value of £374,464
The cheapest house in the street is 9 COTSWOLD DRIVE with an estimated value of £276,893
The house which was most recently sold was 6 COTSWOLD DRIVE, this sold on 23 Jan 2020 for £247,000
The postcode for COTSWOLD DRIVE is TF3 2NR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached , 113 m2 £331,817 £195,000 25 Oct 2006
4 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached £350,197 £61,950 24 May 1996
6 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached , 100 m2 £303,499 £247,000 23 Jan 2020
7 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached £374,464 £160,000 4 Jul 2003
8 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached £346,467 £178,500 3 Aug 2004
9 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached , 81 m2 £276,893 £162,500 14 Dec 2012
12 COTSWOLD DRIVE Detached £319,928 £185,000 24 Aug 2006